Saturday, 10 February 2007

Valentine's Day is coming!

Just saw this piece of news.
WOW! I can't imagine getting 50 roses for less than S$10! And... "Rose vendors who raise prices of their flowers could face imprisonment and a fine, said a senior official - seven years in prison and a fines of up to 170,000 baht. " Wish we could have that in SG. :P

Bangkok Post Breaking News: "Rose sellers under Valentine's watch


The Department of Internal Trade has no love for flower vendors on Valentine's Day. Rose vendors who raise prices of their flowers could face imprisonment and a fine, said a senior official - seven years in prison and a fines of up to 170,000 baht.

Siripol Yodmuangcharoen, director general of the DIT toured the flower market at Pak Khlong Talat on Saturday morning.

'Although flowers are not goods under government control, selling them at a price too high is legally wrong,' said Mr Siripol. 'We don't want sellers to set the prices of the rose too high as that would cause problems to buyers.'

A bundle of 50 red or white roses costs about 200 baht while the pink ones are priced at 170. For bigger roses locally planted, a bundle of 50 roses costs about 350 baht.

The average prices of rose this year are slightly higher than those of last year due to lower supply because of a cooler than usual winter in the North, where most flowers are grown."

Doomsday Cometh?

Have you been reading the news lately? I have, and I'm certainly alarmed at the number of reports about ticking time bombs in the world today. Any of these time bombs can kill millions. Here's the list:

1. Global Warming.
"predicted temperature rise of up to 6.4 C by the end of this century"
Earlier than normal spring in US & China.
Rising sea levels.
Freak weather: record breaking floods in SG, MY & ID.

2. Bird flu
"Cats can become infected with the highly lethal H5N1 bird flu virus, the United Nations warned Friday but advised against killing them as control option, saying there was no scientific evidence at present to suggest that there has been sustained transmission in cats or from cats to humans, said PTI Friday"

3. Superbugs!
"Smoking-gun proof that misuse of antibiotics breeds superbugs.
Medical experts have long assumed that misuse of antibiotics breeds drug-resistant superbugs, but a newly released study has finally provided smoking-gun proof as to how this occurs."

Are you scary?