Took the 6+am Tiger Airways flight and landed in GZ at 10+. This is not the 1st time I've been to GZ airport, but there are still things I didn't notice the 1st time. More on that later.
Had a bit of trouble finding the airport cabs. Just felt like a angmoh or farang in China. So blur. Well, the signs are pretty confusing:
"On the taxi the guest stands forward"

What? Huh? Luckily I could read the Chinese words too: "Taxi boarding point"
It was a long way from the airport to the city center: 45min. Price: 92 Yuan + 15Y toll. Ouch. Guess travelling in China is not that cheap.
Checked into Hotel Canton. Rooms are not bad, good location too. It's near Beijing Rd, one of the shopping streets. Really wanted to try the Cantonese timsum, so went to "Tao Tao Ju" that was recommended by the hotel staff as the best in GZ. It's near Shang Xia Jiu Rd, another shopping street. Well, this is a huge restaurant. At least 3 floors. Managed to get a seat at a shared table. Then blur again. How to order? Found out that after 2.30pm, all dishes are at 4.80Y. Note: the 1st round of tea is used to wash the bowls and spoons, then the water is poured away into another bowl. I didn't know that. At least I didn't get a stomachache from not washing my bowl. I tried 5 dishes. Couldn't finish the last 1 and had to tabao (packet) it back. Seems like a common practice among the aunties there. Pay bill, blur again. The waitress didn't give me a receipt! Was worried that I'll have to pay again. Had to explain to another staff as I couldn't find that waitress again. Anyway, no problems in the end.
Outside the restaurant is the start of the walking street already, all the way till Shang Xia Jiu Rd. Not that interesting to me, since it's mostly fashion. But it is a nice shopping atmosphere.
Same with Beijing Rd, mostly fashion. Beijing Rd has some relics from the old dynasties displayed right under the street. Took a photo of the story of these relics. My dinner that day was just a simple street snack: deep fried squid stick. :P Too oily and chewy for my taste.
Next morning, took a cab to the airport for my flight to Guilin. Only stayed 1 night in GZ because my trip clashed with the Canton Fair and all hotels just double or triple their rates during the fair.